Name |
Code Example |
Browser View |
Remarks-Output | ||||||||||||
<!-- | comment | <!--This can be viewed in the HTML part of a document--> | Nothing will show | ||||||||||||
<A - | anchor | <A HREF="">Visit Our Site</A> | Visit Our Site | ||||||||||||
<B> | bold | <B>Example</B> | Example | ||||||||||||
<BIG> | big (text) | <BIG>Example</BIG> | Example | ||||||||||||
<BODY> | body of document | <BODY>The content of your page</BODY> | Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<BR> | line break | The contents of your page<BR>The contents of your page | The contents of your page The contents of your page |
<CENTER> | center | <CENTER>This will center your contents</CENTER> | This will center your contents |
<DD> | definition description | <DL> <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term </DL> |
| ||||||||||||
<DL> | definition list | <DL> <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term </DL> |
| ||||||||||||
<DT> | definition term | <DL> <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term <DT>Definition Term <DD>Definition of the term </DL> |
<EM> | emphasis | This is an <EM>Example</EM> of using the emphasis tag | This is an Example of using the emphasis tag | ||||||||||||
embed object | <EMBED src="yourfile.mid"width="100%" height="60"align="center"> | |||||||||||||
<EMBED> | embed object | <EMBED src="yourfile.mid" autostart="true" hidden="false" loop="false"> <noembed><bgsound src="yourfile.mid"loop="1"></noembed> |
Music will begin playing when your page is loaded and will only play one time. A control panel will be displayed to enable your visitors to stop the music. |
<FONT> | font | <FONTFACE="Times New Roman">Example</FONT> | Example (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<FONT> | font | <FONTFACE="Times New Roman" color="#000000" SIZE="4">Example</FONT> | Example (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<FONT> | font | <FONTFACE="Times New Roman" color="#000000" SIZE="+3"COLOR="#FF0000">Example</FONT> | Example | ||||||||||||
<FORM> | form | <FORM action=""> Name: <INPUT name="Name" value=""size="10"><BR> Email: <INPUT name="Email" value=""size="10"><BR> <CENTER><INPUT type="submit"></CENTER> </FORM> |
<H1> | heading 1 | <H1>Heading 1 Example</H1> | Heading 1 Example | ||||||||||||
<H2> | heading 2 | <H2>Heading 2 Example</H2> | Heading 2 Example | ||||||||||||
<H3> | heading 3 | <H3>Heading 3 Example</H3> | Heading 3 Example | ||||||||||||
<H4> | heading 4 | <H4>Heading 4 Example</H4> | Heading 4 Example | ||||||||||||
<H5> | heading 5 | <H5>Heading 5 Example</H5> | Heading 5 Example | ||||||||||||
<H6> | heading 6 | <H6>Heading 6 Example</H6> | Heading 6 Example | ||||||||||||
<HEAD> | heading of document | <HEAD>Contains elements describing the document</HEAD> | Nothing will show | ||||||||||||
<HR> | horizontal rule | <HR> | Contents of your webpage (Tip) Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<HR> | horizontal rule | <HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE="3"> | Contents of your webpage Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<HR> | horizontal rule | <HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE="3" NOSHADE> | Contents of your webpage Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<HR> (Internet Explorer) |
horizontal rule | <HRWIDTH="75%" COLOR="#FF0000"SIZE="4"> | Contents of your webpage Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<HR> (Internet Explorer) |
horizontal rule | <HRWIDTH="25%" COLOR="#6699FF"SIZE="6"> | Contents of your webpage Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<HTML> | hypertext markup language | <HTML><HEAD><META><TITLE>Title of your webpage</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Webpage contents</BODY></HTML> | Contents of your webpage | ||||||||||||
<I> | italic | <I>Example</I> | Example | ||||||||||||
<IMG> | image | <IMG SRC="iconmardigras.gif"WIDTH="41" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0"ALT="a sentence about your site"> | ![]() | ||||||||||||
<INPUT> | input field | Example 1: <FORM METHOD=postACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> <INPUT type="text" size="10" maxlength="30"> <INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM> |
<INPUT> (Internet Explorer) |
input field | Example 2: <FORM METHOD=postACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> <INPUT type="text" STYLE="color: #FFFFFF;font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;background-color: #72A4D2;" size="10" maxlength="30"> <INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM> |
<INPUT> | input field | Example 4: <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> Enter Your Comments:<BR> <TEXTAREA wrap="virtual" name="Comments" rows=3cols=20 MAXLENGTH=100></TEXTAREA><BR> <INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> <INPUT type="Reset" VALUE="Clear"> </FORM> |
<INPUT> | input field | Example 5: <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> <CENTER> Select an option: <SELECT> <OPTION >option 1 <OPTION SELECTED>option 2 <OPTION>option 3 <OPTION>option 4 <OPTION>option 5 <OPTION>option 6 </SELECT><BR> <INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"></CENTER> </FORM> |
<INPUT> | input field | Example 6: <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> Select an option:<BR> <INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 1 <INPUT type="radio" name="option" CHECKED> Option 2 <INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 3 <BR> <BR> Select an option:<BR> <INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 1 <INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection" CHECKED> Selection 2 <INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 3 <INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"> </FORM> |
<LI> | list item | Example 1: <MENU> <LI type="disc">List item 1 <LI type="circle">List item 2 <LI type="square">List item 3 </MENU> Example 2: <OL type="i"> <LI>List item 1 <LI>List item 2 <LI>List item 3 <LI>List item 4 </OL> |
Example 1: (Tip)
<LINK> | link | Visit our <A HREF="">site</A> | Visit our site | ||||||||||||
<MARQUEE> (Internet Explorer) |
scrolling text | <MARQUEE bgcolor="#CCCCCC" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Visit Lafourche Democrats</MARQUEE> | (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<MENU> | menu | <MENU> <LI type="disc">List item 1 <LI type="circle">List item 2 <LI type="square">List item 3 </MENU> |
<META> | meta | <META
name="Description" content="Description of your
site"> <META name="keywords" content="keywords describing your site"> |
Nothing will show | ||||||||||||
<META> | meta | <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="4;URL="> | Nothing will show | ||||||||||||
<META> | meta | <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> | Nothing will show (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<META> | meta | <META name="rating" content="General"> | Nothing will show (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<META> | meta | <META name="ROBOTS" content="ALL"> | Nothing will show (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<META> | meta | <META NAME="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> | Nothing will show (Tip) | ||||||||||||
<OL> | ordered list | Example 1: <OL> <LI>List item 1 <LI>List item 2 <LI>List item 3 <LI>List item 4 </OL> Example 2: <OL
type="a"> |
Example 1:
Example 2:
<OPTION> | listbox option | <FORM METHOD=post
ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"> <CENTER> Select an option: <SELECT> <OPTION>option 1 <OPTION SELECTED>option 2 <OPTION>option 3 <OPTION>option 4 <OPTION>option 5 <OPTION>option 6 </SELECT><BR> </CENTER> </FORM> |
<P> | paragraph | This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag. <P> This will create a line break and a space between lines. Attributes: Example 1:<BR> <BR> <P align="left"> This is an example<BR> displaying the use<BR> of the paragraph tag.<BR> <BR> Example 2:<BR> <BR> <P align="right"> This is an example<BR> displaying the use<BR> of the paragraph tag.<BR> <BR> Example 3:<BR> <BR> <P align="center"> This is an example<BR> displaying the use<BR> of the paragraph tag. |
This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag. This will create a line break
and a space between lines. Example 2: Example 3: |
<SMALL> | small (text) | <SMALL>Example</SMALL> | Example | ||||||||||||
<STRONG> | strong emphasis | <STRONG>Example</STRONG> | Example | ||||||||||||
<TABLE> | table |
Example 1: <TABLE BORDER="4" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD>Column 1</TD> <TD>Column 2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> Example 2: (Internet Explorer) <TABLE BORDER="5" BORDERCOLOR="#04acec" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD>Column 1</TD> <TD>Column 2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> Example 3: <TABLE CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Column 1</TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC">Column 2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Row 2</TD> <TD>Row 2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> |
Example 1:
| ||||||||||||
<TD> | table data | <TABLE BORDER="2"
WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD>Column 1</TD> <TD>Column 2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> |
<TH> | table header | <DIV
align="center"><TABLE> <TR> <TH>Column 1</TH> <TH>Column 2</TH> <TH>Column 3</TH> </TR> <TR> <TD>Row 2</TD> <TD>Row 2</TD> <TD>Row 2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Row 3</TD> <TD>Row 3</TD> <TD>Row 3</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Row 4</TD> <TD>Row 4</TD> <TD>Row 4</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> |
| ||||||||||||
<TITLE> | document title | <TITLE>Title of your webpage</TITLE> | Title of your webpage will be viewable in the title bar. | ||||||||||||
<TR> | table row | <TABLE BORDER="2"CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2"WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD>Column 1</TD> <TD>Column 2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> |
| ||||||||||||
<TT> | teletype | <TT>Example</TT> | Example | ||||||||||||
<U> | underline | <U>Example</U> | Example | ||||||||||||
<UL> | unordered list |
Example 1:<BR> <BR> <UL> <LI>List item 1 <LI>List item 2 </UL> <BR> Example 2:<BR> <UL type="disc"> <LI>List item 1 <LI>List item 2 <UL type="circle"> <LI>List item 3 <LI>List item 4 </UL> </UL> |
Example 1:
| ||||||||||||