History files are created for the purpose of establishing a regular order or a sequence in which information is maintained over time, when aging members are likely to separate and younger members are left to recreate.
20140331-Republican News Pundants at 'Fox News' had predicted a 'DEATH SPIRAL' in the impletation of the Affordable Care Law. But the number of applicants... in the system is 7.1 million.
The 'Fox News Team', (latest theory) is that Private Insurers are CO-CONSPIRATORS with HHC for 'COOKING THE BOOKS'. The number of applicants required 'to be successful' was 7 Million,
first forcast by HHC Director, 'Kathleen Sebilius'.
20140328-Coruption Charges are heating up in the Chris Christie Bridge-Gate 'State & Federal' investigations. However, Chris Christie's 'BIG-HEADED' administration has spent over a
Million 'TAX-PAYER' Dollars' only to report that 'his investigating himself' has somehow now exoneraterated himself & his involvement in the G.W. Bridge-Gate Scandal. Although, testimony
from his 6 fired or resignated State Appointees are conspiculously absent from his reporting.
20140307-The Conservative Political Action Conference CPAC finds mostly empty halls. Read the full story here!
20140305-As tensions boiled over into an international crisis with the occupation of Russian troops in Crimea, lawmakers have had harsh words for President Barack Obama and his handling of
the situation. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain called Obama's foreign policy "feckless" on Monday, adding that "nobody believes in America's strength anymore." South Carolina Republican
Sen. Lindsey Graham criticized the president's policy in the face of Russia's apparent takeover of Crimea with the tweet Tuesday, "It started with Benghazi. When you kill Americans and nobody
pays a price, you invite this type of aggression. #Ukraine." Scarborough referenced a statement by former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who admonished lawmakers on the importance of
presenting a unified front. "Trying to speak with one voice, one American voice, has become a quaint thing of the past. I regret that enormously," Gates told The Washington Post on Tuesday.
Scarborough argued that there was "nothing more frightening to our enemies, to America's enemies, than a strong unified American voice." He said it was incumbent upon the president's
"political rivals" to "encourage him privately." Lawmakers should speak carefully in public, Scarborough cautioned, because their comments echo around the world. "For now, Washington
leaders should measure their words a bit more carefully, because, not only is the whole world watching, Vladimir Putin, especially, is watching," he said. Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com
20140205-Keystone Pipeline-Former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar believes the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada should be built, speaking at an energy conference in Houston Today.
That the pipeline could be built safely, as long as conditions were imposed. These conditions would require pipeline operators to meet tough environmental standards and even pay for
conservation programs along the pipeline route. Salazar also told The Associated Press that the pipeline could be a "win-win" project that benefits U.S. energy security while boosting
conservation efforts in Montana, South Dakota and other affected states. Salazar's comments follow a State Department report last week that raised no major environmental objections to
the $7 billion pipeline. The pipeline would carry oil from western Canada to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast.
20140119-Governor Chris Christy-The Elephant is in the room. Mayor Zimmerman of the City of Hoboken, N.J. has publically stated, the Sandy funds promised by the Christy Administration depend on
her willingness to giveup a dutch-style levy-system to help protect the south end of the city in exchange for a windfall given to 'Rockafella Group' to help erect a skyscraper on the
North end of the city instead. She further explains the two developments should not be connected and no other reason was given by the Governors request. The Christy Administration denies the
relationship exist, while the city of Hoboken continues to wait for their share of 'Huricane Sandy' Funding.
Subpoenas continue to flow into the Christy Administration for all communications over the last year. The Port Authority seems to be the center of all controversy. Huge Contracts for building
permissions and engineering studies are all administered by Christy appointees and stand to benefit greatly by their services. Their profit margin would be much greater in the development of
urban renewal, rather than Family Housing from flood victims who do not require large engineering firms for their replacement. The New Jersey Legislature, New York Legislature & the
Federal Legislature all have a stake in getting to the truth about the George Washington Bridge Disaster. Will Immunity exchange for testimony in this corruption trial?
20131217-"St. Nicholas of Bari", Bishop of Myra (Fourth Century) 6 Dec. Feast day. Many altars and churches dedicated in his memory. Born at Patara in Lycia, a province in Southern Turkey. Myra,
the capitol, not far from the sea, was an episcopal. Nicholas was chosen bishop, and in that station became famous by his extraordinary piety and zeal and many astonishing miracles. Greek
historians of his life in 'Constantinople', agree that he suffered imprisonment of the faith and made a glorious confession in the latter part of the persecution raised by Dioletian, and that he
was present at the Council of Nicaea, in Northern Turkey near Constantinople, Greece, and there condemned Arianism. He died at Myra, and was buried in his cathedral. The very idea that Santa
Claus was a white man is incredulous and the unforgiveable racism must eventually come to and end. People who are ignorant about history have a right to their beliefs but, do not have a right
to decieve the rest of the world.
20131128-THOMAS THISTLEWOOD'S DIARY and the slave punishment called 'THE DOSE OF DERBY' in which a slave was forced to defecate into an offending slave's mouth, which was then wired shut
for four or five hours was the analogy given by Marin Bashir that should be imposed on Sarah Palin for her analogy of borrowing from China to Slavery. Of course, Martin Bashir has apoligized for
his comments on behalf of MSNBC, but In my honest opinion, the MSNBC Host was simply raising awareness of the horrors of slavery and the unabashed ignorance of someone who know nothing about the
human suffering below her pay grade. Thomas Thistlewood was born in Tupholme, Lincolnshire, UK. In 1750 he left Britain and migrated to Jamaica, where he lived until his death in 1786. He became
a small landowner and the overseer of the Egypt sugar plantation, which was located near the Savanna la Mar. His diary, The Diary of Thomas Thistlewood is a detailed record of his life and daily
activities, providing a rare and detailed insight into plantation life, from agricultural techniques to slave-owner relations. In his diary, which eventually ran over 14,000 pages, he describes
the brutal treatment of slaves.
Fox News, since we created this site, has still not reported anything credible that would promote or advance the many National discussions waiting in the wings of Congress.
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