20140826-President Obama spoke at the annual American Legion Conference this year held in North Carolina. He spoke of the improvements proposed & implemented in the VA System and the recent
passage by Congress of additional funding which would be used to hire more Doctors, Nurses & other medical professionals to bolster services. Also, the FBI reported today that the Phoenix, Az Va
reports of patients who died waiting for scheduling was unfounded. That noone had died resulting from the scheduling delays in care at the Phoenix VA. 20140809-Fort Belvoir, Va.-Today, the President has signed a bill into law to help relieve the waiting time at VA Hospitals. The bi-partisan agreement for funding which was approved by Congress will help hire medical staff and bring to bare other medical resources to accommodate the increase in medical claims and appointment turn-around times. Also the bill will provide for prosecuting those offenders of the system and allow for Town-Hall meetings to air-out abuses and reward whistle-blowers for coming forward with information on abuse. 20140531-Phoenix, Az VA Medical, among 64 others in the nation were found to have cooked the books regarding the 'waiting time' for first-time medical Screens. First-time Medical screens mean 'when new applicants to the system request medical services for the first time'. No evidence of pre-enrolled veterans with scheduling irregularities were determined. Evidence also suggest phisicians & medical staff did not increase at the same rate of growth with the influx of post vietnam veteran claims to Asian-Orange & arrival of new claims from war ending Irag & Afghanistan. These are structural changes which would be decided & authrorized by Congressional Oversight. Today, VA Director 'Eric Shinsecki' a multiple purple heart recipient & Irag War Veteran, resigned over the new eveidence & the President reluctantly accepted his resignation. Apprarent incentive programs created in 2004 became more profitable to record keepers than reporting the need for additional resources. 20140331-Republican News Pundants at 'Fox News' had predicted a 'DEATH SPIRAL' in the impletation of the Affordable Care Law. But the number of applicants... in the system is 7.1 million. The 'Fox News Team', (latest theory) is that Private Insurers are CO-CONSPIRATORS with HHC for 'COOKING THE BOOKS'. The number of applicants required 'to be successful' was 7 Million, first forcast by HHC Director, 'Kathleen Sebilius'. 20140328-The Affordable Healthcare Law allows the unisured or underinsured to go out into the Market-Place of Private Insurers and choose from a variety of plans. Private insurers decide the rate on premiums and whether your doctor or hospital is included in the plan you choose. Obamacare is only a name given to a law which require all Health Policies 'comply' with high standards of care. Private insurers can not; set a life-time cap on benefits, nor deny a policy based on pre-existing conditions, nor deny a child from his parent's plan before the age of 26. 20131115-Today President Obama gathered with Insurance executives, at the White House; for the purpose of reinstating insurance policies sold & issued from Private 'Individual Insurance' Markets which were recently cancelled, since their coverage was sub-standard to affordable care. Not unlike Private Corporations who were also afforded additional time, 'a year', to prepare for the changes implementing the 3 year old law of the ACA. High-Quality Affordable Care was always the intent in the rollout of the law. The President had also insisted that competition & affordablility would drive the Healthcare Market for expanding care & for reducing the cost of care. Republicans have consistantly & overtly been the competing force for rejecting State Supported expansion of medicaid & continue to offer alternatives to Affordable Care which drive up cost while reducing the quality of care. 20131108-President Obama has apoligized Today, for the 5% of policy-holders who were dropped by their insurers. Their policies, although 'grandfathered-in', shortly after the law was enacted 'were recently dropped' despite of this provision. Apparently, Individual insurers want to sell policies which include the 10 essential benefits that already exist in affordable care, but 'policy-holders' in 'Individual Markets NOW 'CLAIM' these policies are unaffordable. The President, has stated, perhaps administrative changes may be considered for these polices to continue as 'Quazi' or sub-standard policies compared to the minimum coverage mandated by Law in the Affordable Care Act. In other words, if policy holders in the Individual Markets believe affordable care will not reduce their cost and improve their coverage, then they would perhaps be allowed to keep, their 'more expensive' sub-standard policy. 20131021-Yesterday, the President had given a very simple explaination for most of the 'customer side glitches'. I will attempt to explain what the 'customer side glitch' is, as follows; The 'End User' trying to apply for insurance on their computer will not get the most recent changes and updates on that website, if they are controlled by a memory cookie, forcing them to return to a web site they may have visited, lets say... 3 months before. The website will appear the same as it did 3 months ago although, the site may have been changed several times over in those last 3 months. If the end-user is not viewing the most recent changes to the site, the end-user will have the same old experience using that site as they did in the 3 months before. The only way an end-user can view the most current changes to the site is to remove these memory cookies from their personal computer. To accomplish this... the user must Click on the START MENU; then, ALL PROGRAMS; then, ACCESSORIES; then, system tools; then, DISKCLEANUP. DISKCLEANUP will delete all cookies on someones personal computer when they select to delete all files and 'CLICK OK' to delete all files. All users on all computers should routinely and frequently delete cookies to MAXIMIZE their personal computing experience and be able to get the most recent changes to websites worldwide. 20131001-Today, registration for the affordable care Act begins. Naturally, when 30 million people are trying to get online to beat the rush.... Well, what can go wrong there!. We will all have 6 months to register before the IRS issues tax penalties for those who fail to sign up for healthcare. Lets be clear. Most people already have Medical Insurance, but if you lost your job and they provided your healthcare through payroll deduction then you can apply for Affordable Care and be covered until you are reemployed by someone else. Of course, their insurance pool may be substantially smaller and require you to pay higher premiums to join. Choice and competition will decide these outcomes. 20130926-Yesterday, Both President Obama and former President Clinton held an interview explaining and promoting The Affordable Care Act which is scheduled to begin registration October 1st 2013. The Healthcare Program will be officially in effect come January 1st 2014. If by April 15th 2014 'individuals' still have not applied or registered for an individual or family policy through these private markets, then a fine will be levied and collected by the IRS in an amount 'something less' than the cost of the Insurance Premiums they would have otherwise paid. A refusal or a prolonged delay since the time given for early registration will only tend to make it more difficult to get in later, generating additional fines and penalties to catch up with others already in the system. 20130714-Abortion seems to be the hot button issue that just will not die. Not a day passes without another Republican speaking out against a woman's right to choose, or without another state introducing legislation to shut down abortion clinics and eliminate funding to women's health via Planned Parenthood. Currently Wisconsin, Texas, and North Carolina are all pushing measures to limit or even remove a woman's access to abortion. 20130702-'WASHINGTON' The Obama administration announced Tuesday it is delaying until 2015 the requirement that businesses with more than 50 employees provide health insurance to their workers or pay a penalty. The announcement by the Internal Revenue Service comes after numerous complaints from businesses that the requirements were too complicated and difficult to implement in time. Business groups, such as the National Retail Federation, praised the delay, while congressional Republicans jumped on the move to reiterate their opposition to the 2010 health care law. Other key parts of the law, including the health exchanges where individuals can buy insurance, are on schedule. The exchanges will open on Oct. 1, wrote Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Obama, in a White House blog released Tuesday. The Affordable Care Act for enrollment begins on 20131001. The National Association For Charitable Clinics will be signing up those without insurance for Affordable Healthcare at the Morial Convention Center on 20130703, in New Orleans. Call 1-800-340-1301. 20130625-The Texas antiabortion bill, which threatened to close nearly all of the abortion clinics in the state and prompted an 11-hour filibuster by state Sen. Wendy Davis (D), is dead. Lawmakers had to vote on Senate Bill 5 before the special session's end at 12 a.m. local time. However, more than 400 protesters halted the proceedings 15 minutes before the roll call could be completed with what they called "a people's filibuster,". Although some Republican lawmakers later claimed the bill had passed in time, Democrats denied that the vote was completed before the clock ran out on the session. A time stamp showing the vote completed after midnight was the deciding factor. This will not become law, Sen. John Whitmire (D), told The Austin American-Statesman. In response, the crowd of protesters gathered in the capitol cheered and began singing "The Eyes Of Texas," the alma mater of the University of Texas at Austin. According to The Texas Tribune, Dewhurst was less than pleased by the evening's turn of events. After ruling that the time on SB 5 had expired, he told reporters that "an unruly mob using Occupy Wall Street tactics" had derailed legislation that was designed to protect women and babies. 20130507-The Louisiana Federation of Teachers Vs The State Of Louisiana. Bobby Jindal and his Republican Dominated State Legislature, has largely spent $3.4 Billion dollars of public taxpayer funding, for this coming school year. The funding to voucherize ~8,000 additional students for next year in private schools using Per Pupil Funding was ruled unconstitutional. Bobby's attempt to undermine public education, by raiding the coffers of the public taxpayer has failed and he will need to seek other sources of public revenue. What programs would you like to see gutted or perhaps burden with another tax increase. Read the entire article 'below'. Visit The Link below the Clown! 'Bring In The Clowns'. |
Communications: prestonroddy@gmail.comt Official Launch 20130424 7:30 A.M.